March 14, 2008
Female genital mutilation
Break the hearth of a young girl, to see her crying because of you, it makes you feel sick.
What happens when someone (even your own family) stole your capacity to have feelings?.
Those images are too hard to someone who have a special sensibility, but all people may know that those things still happens in our world, each day with thousands of women.
English video here
The long way to Tibet
When some governments talk about fighting for freedom they always forget the meaning and wrong the enemy. China tooks the control of the tibetan freedom during the Mao dictadure, since then it never stop making violations of the human rights.
Here you are a documentary about the ocupation:
China fighting against freedom:
Human rights
People use to forget so important things as rights. All the things that we may respect, that made us human beings are in the way we decide what it's the best way to live on Earth.
Read and learn, then respect and be a better soul.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (multilanguage).
Declaración de los derechos humanos (Spanish).
March 8, 2008
Spanish elections
The two most powerful candidates for the presidence in Spain have talking all over the campaign about so many problems. About social, economic and political problems. We cannot say that they didn't mention global warning, ambiental solutions or about contamination crisis. But in my opinion and in the declarations of the more influencial ecologist organizations, all those comments were only a way to leave words but not to put on table actions. All in politics seems to be a joke.
Those are the porposes by Wess on Orbita Verde.And those from the hearth of the Imperium (unbelieveble...)
Greenpeace: Do you want to discover a 100% Renewable city?
This would be the look of any city of the world, it's possible, it's easy and it's the solutions to break with our catastrofic future.
How this option it's possible?
Read this in Spanish or English.
International women's days March 8
Women represent the beauty, the peace, they bring the gift of life, women are hope, the future, the last sign of divinity on human being.
Some quotes:
A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.
Arnold Haultain
Women are the real architects of society.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves.
Betty Friedan
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Marie Curie
Some recommendations:
A book: Collected poems - Sylvia Plath.
A film: Caotica Ana - Julio Médem.
Photos on Flickr
March 6, 2008
Open your eyes
Take a look and get informed before colaborate and get support to some organizations, not only going to their website, it's better to look for news and articles about them too. ANESVAD and INTERVIDA have been investigated for corruption and illegal actions. If an organization don't belong to the CONGDE that could be a sign to untrust. The economic information must be completely transparent and all the organizations may respect an etical code according with human rights (which is respected by the CONGDE members).
Those kind of organizations make people not to trust in another honest organizations, people may be informed and don't let to be afraid. Keep trusting in people who deserve it.
The cruel actions of the Israel government over the territory of Gaza makes the NGO's all over the world ring the alarm. Civils are dying every day on each ofensive, even Oxfam clinics were destroyed. The situation is critical and the call for help is global. Gaza needs an international intervention, but like it always happens Israel have the support and nobody seems to be care of.
March 5, 2008
The ways to help: Oxfam
"Before you've finished your breakfast this morning, you'll have relied on half the world"
- Martin Luther King-
Fair Trade is a growing, international movement which ensures that producers in poor countries get a fair deal. This means a fair price for their goods (one that covers the cost of production and guarantees a living income), long-term contracts which provide real security; and for many, support to gain the knowledge and skills that they need to develop their businesses and increase sales.
Planet Earth
The place where we live is fragile and even more weak every day. Let's see the beauty of what we can lost.
The ways to help: Greenpeace
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by: Catalysing an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change.
Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves.
Protecting the world’s ancient forests and the animals, plants and people that depend on them.
Working for disarmament and peace by tackling the causes of conflict and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today's products and manufacturing.
Campaining for sustainable agriculture by rejecting genetically engineered organisms, protecting biodiversity and encouraging socially responsible farming.
The ways to help: Médicos sin fronteras
"Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) es una organización humanitaria internacional de acción médica que aporta su ayuda a poblaciones en situación precaria y a víctimas de catástrofes de origen natural o humano y de conflictos armados, sin ninguna discriminación por raza, religión o ideología política. En reconocimiento a su labor humanitaria, MSF recibió el Premio Nobel de la Paz 1999.
How they works?, Take a look.
Desde su creación en 1971, Médicos Sin Fronteras ha acumulado una valiosa experiencia a través de su trabajo continuado en conflictos armados, campos de refugiados, enfermedades olvidadas y emergencias como catástrofes naturales o grandes epidemias.
Como organización internacional, este conocimiento es compartido entre los distintos centros operacionales. Además de un modelo asociativo, organizativo o financiero, todas las secciones de MSF comparten protocolos sanitarios, manuales de logística y sistemas de aprovisionamiento, entre otros, para garantizar la máxima calidad y eficacia de sus intervenciones. Un intercambio en el que participa MSF España desde su creación en 1986 y su primer proyecto de asistencia a la población aymara en Palos Blancos, Bolivia.
En la sede de Barcelona, los proyectos se distribuyen en células operacionales más la unidad de emergencias (célula de acción inmediata en situaciones de crisis), que se encargan de su gestión con el apoyo del departamento médico y logístico, formado por especialistas en áreas concretas de salud, medicina y logística.
En el terreno siempre hay un equipo de capital que lleva la coordinación entre la sede y los distintos proyectos en marcha de cada país, donde los equipos de terreno realizan las actividades en contacto directo con las poblaciones.
Esta estructura operacional hace posible la puesta en marcha, dirección y supervisión de los proyectos, y proporciona los recursos materiales, financieros, técnicos y humanos necesarios para cumplir sus objetivos."
Somebody says...
1. Ten en cuenta que el gran amor y los grandes logros requieren grandes riesgos.
2.. Cuando pierdes, no pierdes la lección.
3. Sigue las tres R: Respeto a ti mismo, Respeto para los otros y Responsabilidad sobre todas tus acciones
4. Recuerda que no conseguir lo que quieres, a veces significa un maravilloso golpe de suerte.
5. Aprende las reglas, así sabrás como romperlas apropiadamente.
6. No permitas que una pequeña disputa destroce una GRAN AMISTAD.
7. Cuando creas que has cometido un error, haz algo inmediatamente para corregirlo.
8. Ocupa algo de tiempo cada día en estar solo.
9. Abre tus brazos al cambio, pero no te olvides de tus valores.
10. Recuerda que a veces el silencio es la mejor respuesta.
11. Vive una buena y honorable vida, así cuando seas mayor y mires atrás podrás disfrutarla por segunda vez.
12. Una atmósfera amorosa en tu casa es el cimiento para tu vida.
13. En discusiones con alguien querido ocupate sólo de la situación actual, no saques a relucir el pasado.
14. Comparte tu conocimiento, es una manera de conseguir la inmortalidad.
15. Se considerado con la Tierra.
16. Una vez al año ve a algún lugar en el que nunca hayas estado antes.
17. Recuerda que la mejor relación es aquella en la que el amor por cada uno
excede la necesidad por el otro.
18. Juzga tu éxito según lo que has sacrificado para conseguirlo.
19. Acercate al amor y a la cocina con osada entrega.
An inconvenient truth
Al Gore represent this Documental film about the situation of our planet. We have to make a big efford to take apart the references of the politician to himself and try to fix on the numbers and statistics that he explain quite well during the film. The crititcal situation of the world is serious and we all can make something to put away a dangerous future.
Here you can download a few steps to start contributing.
Most of the people think that only arabian countries have the honour to have prisioners on the prision of Guantánamo. Well, the truth is that the most of occidental countries, including Europe principal countries, have one or more than one representant.
On the page you can visit by clicking the post title you can see if you have a patriot on list. The most funny is that Arabia Saudi, one hundred and sixty prisioners, and we're talking about the best allied of USA on this war of the new millenium.